July 27, 2024

English Version

Crisis at Sea: The Life-threatening Work of Myanmar Fishers in Thailand

Dawei Watch

July 16, 2024

Most of the fishers in Thailand—one of the countries that have received the biggest value from seafood export—are Myanmar migrant workers who have been fleeing from their country since the coup in 2021. In Thailand, they are facing another threat: working with many risks, ranging from losing body parts to death, without proper protection. This […]

A Sea of Drugs from Southern Myanmar

Dawei Watch

June 27, 2024

While neighboring countries have been launching intense anti-narcotics operations along their borders, the drug gangs now send more shipments via the southern Tanintharyi waters, where the conflict is growing. Dawei Watch When more than one ton of methamphetamine – commonly known as ice – was found aboard a fishing boat by Myanmar’s military junta in […]

Pearl companies in Myanmar clam up on military ties

Dawei Watch

March 26, 2024

Despite its low profile, the country’s pearl industry stands accused of providing revenue to help prop up the military junta TANINTHARYI, MYANMAR – For the controversial pearl industry in Myanmar, it’s business as usual in the southern Myeik Archipelago, despite calls for international pearl farming companies – including the Japanese – to exit the country […]

Gold mining devastating forest reserve in Myanmar’s south

Dawei Watch

October 2, 2023

One of the most successful conservation projects in the country now under threat from unregulated extractive industry. DAWEI, MYANMAR – Unregulated and irresponsible gold mining has surged within Myanmar’s southern nature reserve area, putting nearly two decades of conservation efforts under threat. Zimbar Creek and the surrounding lush forest inside the Tanintharyi Nature Reserve (TNR) […]